We are a different kind of collection agency.



Educating Students on their Obligations...


We manage campus-based student loans, institutional loans and accounts receivables for a variety of intuitions of higher learning and private lenders.

We handle a variety of outstanding student debt and continue to deliver excellent collection results while treating borrowers with the utmost respect and professionalism.

Types of debt recovered include:

  • Campus Based Student Loans
  • Private Lender/Alternative Loans
  • Accounts Receivables
  • Institutional and Emergency Loans
  • Default Prevention and Management Programs

Former students may be indebted to multiple departments within an institution. In addition to student loans, a former student may also owe multiple sectors of the institution. At ATG, we manage a variety of diverse projects for multiple contacts within the school.

Additional Need To Know

  • Knowledgeable and Experienced Project Team
  • Expertise with Brick and Mortar as well as On-Line programs.
  • Ability to manage other Sectors within an Institution
  • Sponsor of various outreach programs targeting student financial literacy